I have experienced many barriers in physics and astronomy. It was very difficult, but through my incredible support system and advisors, I’m still here. As a result, I’m always happy to help others in the field, whether that’s through research, mentorship, or any of the other resources I’ve collected in the student resources tab. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, concerns, etc. - or even just to talk about a bad advising situation. A sympathetic ear holds more power than you think.
Scattered throughout this website are my thoughts, advice, and experiences about common application processes and just the grad school process in general! Please reach out if you find more resources that you want to see featured. The most important thing I can recommend is finding your community - as such, images all over the website will feature my lovely support system, to whom I am forever indebted. Find your people, find your support system, whether in the field or non - they will be essential to helping you through the processes ahead, as grueling and frustating as they may be. They will also be there to celebrate all your wins with you, through passing quals and defending your thesis.
Studies have shown that a large amount of trust is built through small talk and learning tidbits about people. Your personality is an important part of you, and it impacts the way you do science! As such, I will also be endeavoring to tell you about me as a person so we can start the process of trust early :)
Keep scrolling if you're interested! Or, click to the tab of interest if you're not - that's okay too ;)